Family, Cosmetic , & Restorative Dentistry in Johnson City, TN | (423) 282-4004

Treatments for Gums

Excessive or Uneven Gums

Although many people consider teeth to be the only real components of a beautiful smile, the gums play a vital role in maintaining the evenness and symmetry of that smile. For some people, excessive or uneven gums can mask otherwise beautiful teeth by making them look small or unsymmetrical. This can cover up the top portions of the tooth, taking away from the pleasing look of a clean row of bright white teeth. For others, disease or damage can etch away at small portions of the gum line, creating an uneven appearance.

The procedure to correct mild to moderate cases is simple trimming or contouring of the gums with our laser technology. When using the laser for surgery there is no bleeding, no swelling, no sutures and little pain. Your smile can change in just a few minutes!


Gum Disease Treatment

At Cannon Family Dental the main goal of gum disease treatment is to control the infection.  The number and types of treatment will vary, depending on the extent of the disease.  Any type of treatment requires that the patient keep up good daily care at home. Dr. Cannon may also suggest changing certain behaviors, such as quitting smoking, as a way to improve treatment outcome.

Some treatment options are scaling and root planning, prescription mouth rinse, medication, flap surgery, or bone tissue. If you have gum disease, at Cannon Family Dental we will determine the right treatment plan for you!